We envision a world where
people can enter in spaces
as themselves with confidence, grace, and pride.


How did we come about?


Pride and Grace Counseling came from the dichotomous question: can a person be both Christian and Queer? How can someone get healing and be seen, when they possess these seemingly opposing parts of self? And then, how can they get mental health services?

Is your story one of rejection from the queer community for being Christian? Or shame from the Christian community for not being straight?

We believe that people don’t fit neatly into boxes and created this space so you can enter, wholly as yourself. We exist to transform narratives that in order to co-exist with faith, identity needs to be heterosexual, performative, cisgender, and gender-binary. We exist to bring wellness through psychological services to individuals and trainings to other professionals and organizations.

Finding affirming organizations that hold space for both of these parts of identity have been few and far between. So here we are, Pride and Grace Counseling. We’re glad you’ve found us.


Our Vision

Our vision is simple yet difficult — the wellness and wholeness of gender, sexual, and Christian identities on the individual and community level.

Our Mission

Pride and Grace Counseling partners with LGBTQ+ organizations and affirming faith-based organizations to provide psychotherapy services and trainings.

We believe in healing and change in individuals, communities, churches, and greater systems. True change cannot occur without any of these.

A person-centered, affirming approach


To affirm is defined as stating as a fact -- at Pride and Grace, we see your identity and being as simply that - fact. We validate your identity and whole self, supporting you in whatever goals you bring to therapy.

We are not here to say that you need to change, conform, or "pray away" your true self. As providers, we do our own personal and professional work to identify biases and actively work against oppression, aggression, and hate.

You belong. You are worthy. And we are honored to be with you on your wellness journey.

Get started with Pride and Grace