Free Downloads

We believe in accessible support for the wellness of LGBTQ+ individuals. All of the below are free digital downloads for your immediate use.

We hope that these tools bring direction and reflection to your journey.

Gauging Churches - LGBTQ+ Affirmation Checklist

Finding a truly LGBTQ+ affirming church can be daunting. Queer Christians deserve to be welcomed, included, and loved in their faith community. This checklist provides reflection and assessment for this endeavor.

Created by Pride and Grace Counseling in March 2024.

Navigating Non-Affirming Family & Social Support Guide

Queer pride is about adopting an attitude of celebration and resiliency rather than shame or embarrassment. It’s about thriving and demanding to be seen. This guide provides tools and strategies that may help you navigate unsafe places and relationships, stepping closer to being out and celebrating your queer identity.

Note: This guide was created in collaboration with Lyra Health in 2021.

Queer Traditions Reflection Worksheet

Whether during the holiday season, or throughout the year, queer people deserve to have traditions that are inclusive and meaningful. This worksheet provides reflection, motivation, and actions, to build new traditions in support of your well being.

Created by Pride and Grace Counseling in January 2024.

The materials sold by Pride and Grace Counseling are not intended to be medical advice, the practice of medicine, or a substitute for professional mental health advice or help.

The content provided by Pride and Grace Counseling is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, mental health services, diagnosis or treatment. The content is provided to be informative only and not as comprehensive guidance. 

Don't disregard professional advice or delay seeking help based on information from Pride and Grace Counseling. If you or someone you know is currently suffering a mental health crisis or other medical emergency, it is crucial to seek immediate assistance by calling 911 or going to your nearest emergency room.